
HEHereford House / is a nonprofit food pantry and social services agency founded in 2002 by St Andrew and All Souls Episcopal Church, north Portland.
Hereford Food Pantry provides nutritious food for 900 neighbors every month. Hereford Boarding House provides four rooms for neighbors in need of transitional housing.
We are raising support funding to expand our capacity to include dental van visits, basic health screenings, employment counseling and healthy eating/nutrition classes.
Mission Statement
Hereford Pantry works by fostering a caring atmosphere, treating each individual with dignity and respect. We are dedicated to maintaining a continuous growth in services to assist our clients to improve their quality of life. It is our hope that those who receive food will be strengthened in body and mind.
Hereford House collaborates with those who share our mission to serve without regard to race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, military status, disability, familial status, marital status, religion or national origin.
We serve everyone in need, including the ‘working poor.’ Each week we serve many people who have never before been to a food pantry. Those who come in with hesitation, depart feeling hopeful and cared for in their time of need. Hereford House community members shop once per month with each person or family receiving 3 to 5 days worth of food. As a 501c3 nonprofit, we accept both donated funds and donations of specific needed items (listed on our DONATE page).
Find Us
We are located at 7704 N Hereford Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97203, between N. Lombard (#75 bus) and N. Willis (#35 bus).
*We have a wheelchair ramp in back of the Hereford House building. Park on the street in front of the pantry or in our large church parking lot next door.
We are one of three buildings on the campus of ‘The Portland Abbey’ along with the abbey church of St. Andrew and All Souls (7600 N Hereford) and ‘The Library’ (7508 N Hereford).
For 15 years, we have been providing direct services and linking clients to other social service agencies.
In 2006 when William Temple House closed its North Portland location due to the economic downturn, the members of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church opened their own Food Pantry at this location. In March 2013, the leadership of the newly merged St. Andrew and All Souls Episcopal Church establish Hereford House.as multiple social services building inclusive of Hereford Pantry (lower level) and Hereford Boarding House (upper level).
Hereford House is located in and serves one of the most under-privileged areas in Portland, Oregon. However, our clients come from all over Northern Oregon and Southern Washington.
We currently provide many types of support including food, clothes (jeans, shoes, and coats or jackets), blankets, personal care items (soap, bathroom supplies), a kind word and hot coffee.
We need your support to continue and expand current services and further develop Hereford Transitional Housing.
At Hereford House, we never care where you live or who you love. If you need help, we give all we have. Hereford House wants to give more, do this we need your help. And yes, your help means donations
Below is a news story and an idea of how we have helped.
A gentleman came to Hereford House to get some food. He had never been to a food pantry before. He and his wife were close to becoming homeless. He was 63, a veteran, married and due to a bad accident could no longer work. He was in pain and had no health insurance.
He had been trying to get social security disability for 16 months. His wife had been unable to work and was in a wheelchair. She was unable to get out of their home.
They were living on $600.00 a month from her social security. They were unable to pay their taxes, co-pay for her medications, and they were behind in all their utilities.
We were able to help them in several areas.
We introduced them to the SNAP, food stamp program, and signed them up for an appointment. The Aging and Disability service in their county built them a free a wheelchair ramp.
We made an appointment with him to receive his early retirement from Social Security, and help with past utility bills. He also was able to use his Vietnam Veterans Medical Services. Almost overnight all their money problems seemed to disappear.
They were very thankful to us and they donate monthly.